Wednesday 7 January 2015

Know the foxy @ Funtime Womoz

Today the day was amazing as I had a nice time with few friends. As we had a great time with everyone telling them about the Open-source and Firefox OS. The conversation started with three friends and later the hostel mates also joined and the conversation transformed into session about the contribution to Mozilla and the open source.

    This was more a fun session than being a hard core technical session. Although the topics discussed were new for most of them yet it seemed that they were pretty much aware about the concept of the open-source and the involvement in Mozilla mission.We also talked about the application development for Firefox OS. And one of our apps named "Manifest creator" would be soon submitted to market place.

    They all had the first interaction with the Intex device with Firefox OS and were pleasantly surprised to know its price. Everyone was very happy to know that Mozilla encourages the female contributors a lot.With this it was a time for the group picture (we missed a nice camera).


    The best thing about this session was that everything happened very quickly as initially we sat down for a informal conversation gradually we discussed about Mozilla and the session was shaped and this Womoz workshop turned to one of the best Womoz sessions delivered by me.

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